You are cordially invited to join the GBA Technology & Innovation Summit 2021 event hosted by The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong being held at Renaissance Shenzhen Bay Hotel on 26 August. This will be a perfect opportunity to hear from key industry experts with their insights on a range of technology-related matters and sectors.
广东英国商会邀请您参加我们的下半年旗舰活动—— 2021 大湾区科技与创新峰会,活动将于 8 月 26 日在深圳湾万丽酒店举行。与各行各业的专家一同探讨科技相关的行业发展,挖掘潜在合作机会,拓宽商业人脉。
Through this summit, BritCham Guangdong will establish a platform for tech-related industry members, investors, governments, and so forth in the GBA (i) to hear from key industry professionals on their predictions and outlook for the year ahead across a range of industries and sectors, (ii) to add value to you and your business and to better inform business planning decisions and (iii) to increase awareness amongst our members and business community via sharing insights and predictions.

- A gathering of well-known and pioneering brands from China and overseas, gain useful advice from experts and business representatives for better business planning decisions
- 汇聚中外知名与先锋企业品牌,与行业专家及代表交换商业想法,完善您的商业计划
- Focus on real networking among startups, enterprises, government and other tech-related organisation; break the barriers between start-ups and other large and medium-sized enterprises through crossover networking, making this event an international technology and innovation gathering in the GBA
- Hear from industrial experts who will share insights on technology related industries, provide relevant information for investors who wish to invest or co-invest in the field of technology and innovation involving China and the UK
- Opportunities to connect with 12 outstanding speakers, linking 150+ Chinese and foreign corporate executives
- Participants come from 10+ industries such as technology, education, consulting, real estate, finance, law and so forth, opportunities to share your predictions and views on industries in GBA during networking and media exposure
近距离接触 12 位重量级演讲嘉宾,链接 150+ 来自大湾区的中外企业高管、创业家、外交官、政府机构及主流媒体代表,链接国际化高端资源
来宾覆盖科技、教育、咨询、房地产、金融、法律等超过 10+ 行业,在自由交流以及媒体报道中分享您对大湾区科技行业相关的见解与展望
On GBA Technology & Innovation Summit 2021, we are honored to invite 12 speakers to share their thoughts on these important issues to cover many current GBA issues:
在 2021 大湾区科技与创新峰会受邀嘉宾中,我们有幸邀请到 12 位嘉宾与来宾一起探讨以下热点问题:
How does Technology+ AI play a crucial role in developing industry in the GBA?
Why GBA is the Global Innovation Hub for Fintech?
Capital Market Choices for Technology Companies – Comparison of Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and US – what is the capital trend in the future technology IPO?
科技公司如何挑选资本市场 – 中国内地、香港及美国上市比较,科技+资本未来的上市趋势?
Against a bright future for the GBA, what preferential policies will be adopted in relation to technological cooperation between China and the United Kingdom in the future to benefit enterprises operating in GBA?
What are the key investment trends delivering success for China-UK projects? What are the essential elements of successful research projects?
What are the latest trends for intellectual property in the technology and innovation sector? What are the requirements for patent application and are there are any useful tips to share?
科技创新领域的知识产权项目申请趋势?专利需求及申请 Tips?
How to retain your technology and innovation talent – tips for recruitment and retainment? What are the attractive occupations in technology and innovation sector and tips on job application?
如何留住科技与创新的人才——招聘与留住人才 Tips?热门科技与创新行业的招聘需求及应聘 Tips?
Under the new guidelines to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education, what are the trends for EdTech trend in the future?

Date & Time: 13:00-17:30, Thursday, 26 August, 2021
Venue: Renaissance Shenzhen Bay Hotel (No. 18 Keji South Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen)
Form: Keynote Speeches & Panel Discussion & Roadshow
Participants: 150+ VIPs from Government, Fortune 500 Companies, UK & Local SME Startups
Language: English and Chinese (Simultaneous Interpretation Provided)
Dress Code: Business Casual
日期&时间:2021 年 8 月 26 日(周四)13:00-17:30
地点:深圳湾万丽酒店(深圳市南山区科技南路 18 号)
来宾:150+ 来自政府、世界 500 强、中/英的中小型及初创企业的来宾

13:00 – 14:00 Registration & Networking 签到与自由交流
14:00 – 14:15 Opening & Welcome Speeches开幕致辞
14:15 – 15:15 Keynote Speeches主题演讲
15:15 – 15:35 Tea Break茶歇
15:35 – 16:35 Panel Discussion and Q&A现场讨论及问答环节
16:35 – 16:55 Roadshow企业路演
16:55 – 17:30 Networking自由交流
17:30 Event Ends活动结束
*The agenda may be subject to change

1. This event will be mainly by way of guest invite and only 50 seats will be opened to public. We encourage attendees to make online registration as early as possible. Seats are not guaranteed for those who have not previously registered.
本次活动将采取定向邀请嘉宾的方式,开放报名的席位仅有 50 位。所以我们鼓励提前在线报名,对于没有提前报名的来宾,我们无法保证活动名额。
2. Due to limited spaces, priority will be given to attendees in related industries. After registration, we will email you whether your reservation has been successful by Friday 20 August. Please ensure all information you provide is correct.
由于席位有限,主办方将优先确保相关行业来宾的席位,但无法保证每位提交报名的嘉宾都能出席活动。最终参会人员将在 2021 年 8 月 20 日(周五)前收到主办方的确认邮件,报名时请确保正确填写邮箱,并保证近期邮件畅通。
3. British Chamber reserves the right to interpret and apply the above conditions. Any question you may have, please contact Ms Arrietty Xi via events@britchamgd.com or call 020-83315013 ext 602.
主办方对最终参会名单保留解释权。如果任何疑问,请联系 Arrietty 奚小姐 events@britchamgd.com 或致电 020-83315013 分机号 602。

The Greater Bay Area Summit is one of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong’s (BritCham Guangdong) flagship events. The event has been held for the past two years in Guangzhou, invited over ten speakers for sharing their insights and welcomed over 100 guests each event, co-branding with media partners with more than 300,000 online and offline exposures.
大湾区峰会是广东英国商会的旗舰活动之一。该活动已 2 年成功在广州举办,邀请了超过 10+ 位嘉宾分享,每届的参与人数将近 100+ 人,合作媒体、品牌联动,线上线下曝光 30 万+ 。

BritCham Guangdong is looking forward to connecting, promoting and sharing with you across the Greater Bay Area. Please feel free to contact us.
Ms Christy Leung 梁莹
Marketing & Membership Manager
Ms Eman Zou 邹媛媛
Membership Services Manager
Ms Chris Chen 陈思敏
Executive Manager
Click here for more details