开启美国地道红肉文化之旅 。| Traditional U.S. Red Meat Journey with U.S. Meat Export Federation and Chef Michael Rosenblum.
开启美国地道红肉文化之旅 。| Traditional U.S. Red Meat Journey with U.S. Meat Export Federation and Chef Michael Rosenblum.

U.S. Meat Export Federation and Chef Michael Rosenblum held the Traditional Red Meat Seminar in Park Hyatt Guangzhou on 27th March, 2019. Mr. James Levy, Consulate General of the United States of America, joint the event and said, as Consul General, he was pleased to be able to highlight his country’s exciting, diverse, and unique culinary traditions to our Chinese guests.

名厨迈克·罗朗此次携新书《美食之路 美国饮食之历史与文化:传承——陆地篇》在研讨会上与嘉宾分享美食心得。《传承》系列丛书四卷中的第一卷:《续承 四足踏遍的旅途》。开篇讲述的是美国饮食文化的故事,揭示了各式各样的肉类烹饪是如何塑造美国饮食文化叙事的。从当地食材和美国本土的传统烹饪方式,到德州烧烤、科尼岛热狗和路易斯安那秋葵汤的本源,本书揭示了最为丰富与综合,同时却也最不为人知的全球饮食文化之一。对于任何爱好历史与美食的专业主厨来说,《传承》必将是不可或缺的烹饪阅读书籍。
In the event, Michael brought his new book, Heritage- Legacy: All That Roams. It starts at the very beginning of the American foodways story, revealing all the ways that meat has shaped the edible narrative of the United States. From indigenous ingredients and traditional culinary practices of the Native Americans, to the foundations of Texas barbecue, Coney Island hot dogs and Louisiana gumbo, this work sheds light on one of the richest and most complex, yet least understood global food cultures. Heritage will quickly prove to be essential reading-and cooking- for serious chefs, history enthusiasts and lovers of fine food.

Michael Rosenblum’s Carrer

迈克·罗朗在其25年的餐饮行业生涯中跨越了6个国家,包括纽约的米其林星级餐厅和中国顶级的五星级酒店。他拥有康奈尔大学亚洲文学学士学位、法国烹饪学院硕士学位以及中国政府机构颁发的中国高级面点师证书。迈克尔还在2014年获得中国茶艺师资格证,同样也由中国政府机构颁发。此外,他于2016年以优异成绩获得WSET(英国的一项葡萄酒与烈酒专业培训) 的三级证书。在2017年,罗朗获得旧金山知名烘焙学院颁发的“面包工匠”证书,以及犹他州州立大学西部乳业中心颁发的“高级奶酪工艺师”证书。罗朗拥有优秀的中文读写能力,自1998年来华之后,在餐饮行业声誉卓著。他曾在美国驻华大使骆家辉和马克斯·鲍卡斯官邸担任行政总厨和餐饮经理,将大使官邸和美国的饮食文化都提升到了一个新的高度。
Chef Michael Rosenblum’s career in the hospitality industry spans 25 years and 6 countries, ranging from Michelin-starred New York Restaurants to China’s top hotels. He holds a BA in Asian Studies from Cornell University, a Grand Diplôme in Culinary Arts from The French Culinary Institute in New York as well as a Master Chinese Pastry Chef certification from the Chinese government. In 2014 Michael was awarded the credential of Chinese Tea Artisan, also by the government of China, and is a WSET Level 3 certificate holder, graduating with merit in 2016. In 2017, Michael received certificates in Artisan bread from the famed San Francisco Baking Institute, as well advanced Artisan cheesemaking from Utah State University’s Western Dairy Center. Both fluent and literate in Mandarin Chinese, Chef Rosenblum came to China in 1998 and has since built a reputation as both a top chef and advocate for sustainable living. He served the United States as Executive Chef and Chief of Mission Residence Manager for two Ambassadors- Gary Locke and Max Baucus- elevating the reputation of The Residence and American culinary culture to new heights.

U.S. Meat: Grain Fed to Tenderness

The U.S. beef industry is known for the tender, flavorful, grain-fed (corn) beef that it produces. Cattle producers take pride in producing safe and nutritious beef and beef products for consumers in the U.S. and around the world. Blessed with an abundance of natural resources, the United States has vast expanses of open space for cattle grazing and rich farmland for producing the feed grains that are vital ingredients in specialty formulated feed rations for U.S. cattle. Beef produced in the United States is known for its taste and tenderness world-wide. These quality attributes are the direct result of the industry’s production practices and its commitment to customer satisfaction.

美国牛肉评级 | U.S. Beef Grading
美国牛肉评级 | U.S. Beef Grading

US pork,just like US beef, has high quality with great tenderness and rich nutrition. Over the past two decades, America’s pig farmers have worked closely with their swine nutritionists, veterinarians, and swine geneticists to make changes in what pigs eat, how they are raised and bred to develop a leaner, quality grain-fed U.S. pork product.

美国猪肉作为食物既是优质的蛋白质来源,也提供几种重要的维生素和矿物质。 3盎司(约为85克)的猪肉能提供人体所需的优质硫胺,硒,蛋白质,烟酸,维生素B6和磷等,更还富含核黄素,锌和钾。
U.S. Pork is both a good source of protein and also provides several important vitamins and minerals. A 3-ounce serving of pork is an “excellent” source of thiamin, selenium, protein, niacin, vitamin B6 and phosphorus, and a “good” source of riboflavin, zinc and potassium.

To learn more about U.S. Meat