多边, 音乐艺术家 - Wei Wei, Musician.
DB: 您什么时候发现自己在音乐上的才华?When did you realise your talent in music?
I found myself very interested in listening to music since I was ten years old and several years later I started learning to play classical guitar.
DB: 是什么机缘让您到国外进行男中音的学习?What was the opportunity for you to go overseas and study baritone?
I went to France and I met my singing teacher there. I started to learn Baritone from her, and later I began learning harmony, drama and so on.
DB: 除了音乐,您还参与了许多话剧的表演。与音乐表演相比,您对演戏有什么感觉?在众多话剧演出中,最令您印象深刻的是哪一次?In addition to music, you have participated in many plays. Compared to your own field, what do you feel about acting and among these plays, which one impresses you most?
In France, I played many roles in Molière’s pieces. They are incredible pieces and I enjoyed doing them very much.
DB: 您似乎与许多法国类活动关系紧密,能说说其中一些您曾参与过的活动吗?You seem to have a close relationship with sorts of French events. Could you tell us some?
Two years ago, I was invited by the French Consulate to give performances for kick-starting the Festival Croisements.
DB: 您的艺术生涯中尽显才华,色彩斑斓。您是如何看待艺术塑造您的人生?We know that you are versatile and you have a colourful life in art. In your eyes, how does art shapes your life?
Music, as well as art has changed my life. Now I see more beauty of the nature of simple things in my daily despite continuous difficulties and I appreciate things in life with an eye of art, especially music.