秘制龙虾邀你来尝!| When Lobster Meets Master Chef @The St. Regis Shenzhen
秘制龙虾邀你来尝!| When Lobster Meets Master Chef @The St. Regis Shenzhen

近日,深圳瑞吉酒店邀请加拿大电台名厨 Matt Dean Pettit 举办了一场别开生面的龙虾课堂,以风趣幽默的教学方式为到场宾客传授著名龙虾料理的烹调方式。
Last week, The St. Regis Shenzhen invited Canadian Celebrity Chef Matt Dean Pettit to host a unique lobster class, teaching the guests how to cook lobster dishes in a humorous way.

Matt Dean Pettit是加拿大电视台 NFL home gating 栏目的常驻星级名厨,本节目结合了加拿大国民运动——橄榄球以极具创意的烹调美食形式被观众熟知并喜爱。而 Matt 风趣幽默及独特的料理陈述方式也让他在节目中收获了众多忠实粉丝。不仅如此,Matt 十分热爱钻研食谱和食材,尤其钟爱海鲜食材。希望尽可能的挖掘食材里的多种可能性,为宾客们呈现与众不同的美味料理。同时,他也将自己多年的心得及研究著成了一本畅销加拿大的龙虾食谱。
Matt Dean Pettit is the star chef of the Canadian TV program – NFL home gating which combines the Canadian National Sports – Rugby and creative cooking. Chef Matt’s humorous and unique presentation of food have won the heart and tummy of fans. Outside of the show, Chef Matt is very passionate about researching recipes and ingredients, especially seafood. In his own words, he hopes to explore as many possibilities as possible in the ingredients and present the delicious dishes that are different for the guests. Chef Matt is also the writer of one of the best selling Canadian lobster recipe book.

秘制龙虾邀你来尝!| When Lobster Meets Master Chef @St. Regis Shenzhen
秘制龙虾邀你来尝!| When Lobster Meets Master Chef @The St. Regis Shenzhen

龙虾料理课堂共讲解了三道龙虾料理的烹调方式,Matt 随机抽取三位宾客作为“学徒”手把手的传授龙虾美味,从龙虾前期的处理过程到酱汁的调配一一讲解,其热情及风趣幽默的讲解方式使现场笑声不断,气氛十分融洽。
The lobster class explained the cooking style of three lobster dishes. Chef Matt randomly selected three guests as his “apprentice”. From how to prepare the lobster to how to make the sauce, his enthusiasm and humor have made the day as enjoyable and full of joy as his dishes.

据悉, Matt Dean Pettit 限时做客深圳瑞吉酒店秀餐厅,以独到烹调手法为现场宾客惊艳呈现风靡全球的龙虾卷及融合自己妙思创意烹调的海派香辣小龙虾,其独特的美味受到了现场食客们的高度赞扬及追捧。他秘制的龙虾美味将从即日起至11月底在秀餐厅自助晚餐时段惊艳呈现,喜爱龙虾和创意料理的食享家们不容错过。
Missed out the date? No worries! From today till the end of November, Social All Day Dining Restaurant at The St. Regis Shenzhen will present a selection of Chef Matt’s signature dishes during dinner time. Foodies, mark your time!

Canadian Lobster Roll
Beetroot Deviled Eggs
Pancetta Wrapped Oysters with Fig Jam
Oysters with Lemon Granita and Cucumber
Spicy Buffalo Shrimpr

Social All Day Dining Restaurant
The St. Regis Shenzhen
Tel: +86755-2223 9358