10月24日下午,博若莱葡萄酒行业协会于东莞万达文华酒店举办大师班,特邀产区宣传大使齐绍仁(Noël CHI)从葡萄种植、酿酒工艺等方面带领葡萄酒行业专业人士深入了解博若莱产区。借此机会,产区行业协会还进一步推介了以消费场景为导向的新型发展战略 ——“博若莱的新时代”(Beaujolais Nouvelle Génération)。
On 24th October, Inter Beaujolais held a Beaujolais Wine Master Class at Wanda Vista Hotel in Dongguan. The special promotion ambassador Qi Shaoren (Noël CHI) led the presentation of Beaujolais region from the aspects of wine growing to winemaking. Taking this opportunity, the industry association further introduced a new development strategy oriented to the consumption scenes – “Beaujolais Nouvelle Génération”.

The Beaujolais region is located in the central and eastern part of France, north of Lyon, and contains twelve main appellations, covering an area of 16,000 hectares and an altitude of 200-500 meters. In Beaujolais, the unique terroir conditions and brewing techniques make the single grape variety Gamay show a rich variety of wine styles.

The average consumer knows young, fruity Beaujolais Nouveau, the friendly and festive beverage released on the third Thursday of November. But Beaujolais is so much more than Nouveau, encompassing 12 particular appellations, all of which produce wines of character.

博若莱产区根据消费场景将葡萄酒划分为三类:“节日之选”博若莱(Beaujolais de fête)的主角是博若莱新酒,年产量约为2500万瓶 ,主要依靠博若莱新酒节及其他节庆带动消费;“风土之选”博若莱(Beaujolais de caractère)则是时下在餐饮界唱主角的博若莱葡萄酒,年产量约为3000万-5000万瓶,力求彰显产区的风土特质,体现美酒与美食的协调性;“卓越甄选”博若莱(Beaujolais d’exception)为产区的顶级佳酿,年产量约为几百万瓶,能深入诠释博若莱精神及产区文化,满足高品质消费需求。从“风土之选”博若莱出发,新的理念——“Beaujonomie”(博若莱+美食)得以诞生,体现“分享”“轻松雅致”“凸显产区风土”等与时俱进的博若莱葡萄酒精神。
The Beaujolais region divides wine into three categories according to the consumption scenes: “Beaujolais de fête”, led by Beaujolais Nouveau, with an annual output of about 25 million bottles, mainly relying on the festival on Beaujolais Nouveau and other festive occasions to drive consumption; “Beaujolais de caractère” is the current Beaujolais wine consumed in the catering industry, with an annual output of about 30 million to 50 million bottles, striving to highlight the characters of the region; “Beaujolais d’exception” is the top wine in the region, with an annual production of about several million bottles, which can deeply explain the Beaujolais spirit and the culture of the region. Based on “Beaujolais de caractère”, the new concept – “Beaujonomie” (Beaujolais + Food) was born, reflecting the Beaujolais spirits of “sharing”, “easy and elegant”, “highlighting the taste of the region”.

In order to better experience the charm of “Beaujolais Nouvelle Génération”, the master class customized the following wine list. Let’s all fall in love with wine!

To know more about Beaujolais Wine
微信/WeChat: Beaujolais-wines
网站/Website: www.beaujolaiswines.cn