艺术家们的食物情缘 | Time to eat... with French artists!
艺术家们的食物情缘 | Time to eat... with French artists!

食物关乎文明:所以这是一个文化问题。跟对待所有重要的社会话题一样,艺术家们总是站在前沿来分享他们的看法及他们对世界的解读。 展览“ 艺术家们的食物情缘 – 他们对食物的独特见解” 围绕吃、买、变、种、养和存6 个主题, 从食物链到创意链,展示了15 位当代艺术家的作品及其感想。 这个生态设计展览将在中国几大城市的不同地方如图书馆、艺术中心、商业中心、遗产古迹等巡回展出。
Food is an issue of civilization: it is therefore a cultural issue. As with all major social issues, artists are at the forefront to share their vision and interpretation of the world. “Time to eat… with French artists! – Their eyes on food” presents the works and reflections of 15 contemporary artists around six themes : eating, buying, modifying, growing, raising and preserving, moving from the food chain to the chain of creation. This eco-designed and touring exhibition intends to travel among the main cities of China, in various types of venues such as libraries, art centers, shopping malls, heritage sites…

ART 23 当代艺术馆
ART 23 Contemporary Art Gallery
Qiming Bvd., Dongshankou, Guangzhou
16th September to 18th November

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