农业的密集化种植,在过去几十年间极大促进了粮食产量的增加,但同时也带来了严重的负面环境影响:温室气体排放量的急剧上升,生物多样性的退化,抑或是水资源和土壤污染。到2050 年,农业产量需要增加50% 才能满足届时全球90 多亿居民的粮食需求。这将使环境和气候变得愈加脆弱,从来引发粮食安全问题。那么如何以另外一种方式来生产所需的粮食? 事实上,存在许多既尊重环境又能实现高质量和高产量农业生产的方法:永续农业,生态农业,鱼菜共生……多场讲座和圆桌讨论将介绍法国和中国在可持续农业领域开展的有益实践。 获封“ 园丁王子” 称号的路易- 阿尔贝·德布罗意王子,将成为受邀嘉宾之一。他将介绍在永续农业的启发下创立的微型生态农场,还将探讨与健康饮食密不可分的健康与环境之间的关系。
Even though the intensification of agriculture has tremendously increased the quantity of available food during the past decades, it has at the same time led to a considerable environmental toll: surge in greenhouse emission gases, decline in biodiversity or soil and water pollutions. By 2050, agricultural output will have to increase by 50% in order to feed a population of more than 9 billion inhabitants, cause for further environmental and climate harm that would further create food security issues. How to produce the same amount, but in a better way? Permaculture, agroecology, aquaponics… Numerous methods combining environmental compliance and qualitative and quantitative agricultural output exist.
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19:30, Sunday, 23rd September